Developing a habit of reading can open the door to self-improvement. This growth can be helpful for both the social and professional life of a person. As per Evan Bass Men’s Clinic, developing a habit of reading can help people to improve their cognitive skills and emotional intelligence. It allows people to sharpen their memory, expand their vocabulary and learn a myriad of new things.
Evan Bass Men’s Clinic marks a few tips that can help develop a reading habit
Regular reading can help stimulate the mind, enhance cognitive function, as well as improve one’s vocabulary and language skills. Developing a habit of reading can be pretty rewarding for a person, and have a positive impact on multiple aspects of their life.
Here are a few tips that can help people to develop a reading habit:
- Set goals: First of all, one has to define the purpose of developing a reading habit and set their goals. Having proper goals in place can help provide the necessary direction and motivation. In order to master any activity, including reading, it is imperative to break it down into manageable chunks. After all, one cannot go from reading nothing to reading an entire book overnight. Reading habit takes time to develop, and to succeed in it one has to set realistic goals. In case one struggles to hit their goals after a few days, they should be flexible enough to make changes and set goals that can be fitted into their daily schedule. To truly enjoy reading, it is better to avoid being self-critical.
- Make a schedule: One should consider their daily routine, and fix a reading schedule according to it. They should try to fix a specific reading time daily, like during lunch breaks or before going to bed, which makes it much easier to establish a routine.
- Start small: It is better to avoid tacking something like War and Peace at the very beginning. Rather, people should start with a shorter book, or even just a few pages of reading every day. Completing shorter books at the start helps build confidence, and can increase one’s interest in reading gradually.
- Choose books of interest: It is better to start with books having themes or topics one is actually interested in. If one actually enjoys what they reading, they are more likely to continue and make it a habit.
- Carry a book: Having a book in the backpack or hand helps make sure that one can read during unexpected free time, like when standing in a queue or when getting stuck in traffic for a long time.
- Set reading challenges: It would be a good idea to engage oneself in reading challenges. Doing so can help people to stay motivated and build their interest in continuing with the reading habit.
- Set a conducive environment: One should try to find a quiet and cosy corner at home where they can read the book with no distractions. They should put aside phones, tablets and other similar distractions away during the reading time.
Evan Bass Men’s Clinic recommends people to use reading apps or get a membership in the book clubs. This would make the activity of reading more interactive and e